Got an old traction machine, i am trying to keep running till a new machine get here. its a 1,800# car running at 100 fpm.

The unit is binding and causing the drive to fault out. I did a die test and the pattern is attached, The strange part is in the down, I show no wipe at all , but down runs smooth, the bucking is in the up direction. When I lift the spider the bucking in the up lessons, but the down then starts to buck as well. The drive only trips an overload in the up still. The wipe pattern remains the same , nice contact in the up and no wipe in the down. This is done with the weight of the empty car on it. If I hang the car unit runs smooth.

Why do I have no wipe in the down? For shits and giggles, I tried lowering the spider, and as expected the unit bounds up solid even taking out 15/1000

Any suggestions to keep this gar running 6 more weeks?

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