
And then there's the opposite. Quiet, humble, determined cat.
Like my old buddy Steve Phillips..(RIP)

Took a transfer to Fort Worth, for his wifes health. I put in a good word for him with the local super. The only thing he had for him was a call ridden, horribly maintained composite. Steve quietly told him..."I'll take the job" and moved...

Within 6 months, a lot of the field was griping, that they weren't making any overtime on that old job. In 6 months he had cut the calls to nothing..No brag, just fact...

And then there was the guy..(Very good friend of mine), who had just immigrated from India, with no job, but had an EE and 20 years experience in India. This guy, checked in with the union, walked onto one of the high rises in Manhattan, under construction. and told the super..."Give me 2 weeks and I can adjust your elevators. If you don't like my work, don't pay me, if you do HIRE ME..." He is now the chief engineer for one of the big companies in the states..

And the young guy, that a lot of yall know, that when I walked into a machine room in LA, about 10 years ago, I was met with such enthusiasm, the guy reminded me of myself 20 years ago. Hell...He wanted to learn so bad, he spent his own money on an EPROM programmer, so he could learn how to program chips, and assembly language, and other esoteric subjects. And when I talk to him to this day I'm met with the same enthusiasm...."Hi Scott!!".. grin

It Don't mean a thing if it aint got that swing.

Cool, Free, Johnny Smith courtesy of NPR..HERE