Originally Posted By: RGray
Respectful correction to comments above...
OHIO and MONTANA are not nicknames of the products. They were the R&D design project names for the EcoSpace developement. They have absolutely nothing to do with states in which pilots were conducted. They are acronyms. I am not at liberty to disclose what the acronyms stad for however.

The MonoSpace is a traditionaly designed, heavier duty MRL that utilizes both an MX10 and an MX20 machine depending on the duty of the unit. The EcoSpace is a light-duty MRL which is designed around an integrated cab/sling to greatly reduce weigh and cost. The EcoSpace only uses the MX10 class of machines and the roping configuration changes from 2:1 to 4:1 when duty requires. The speed of the EcoSpace is also limited to 150fpm.

A couple questions...obviously you have background on the subject...
Wouldn't "R&D design project names for the EcoSpace developement" be a nickname?
What State was the first 2:1 EcoSpace istalled?
What State was the first 4:1 EcoSpace installed?
Outside of a handful of units installed early on in the MonoSpace days...can you still get an MX10 on the heavier duty MRL...not that i'm aware of. So other than the "not at liberty to disclose"...my shorter version of what the initial post said...isn't much different than what you posted...just shorter.