Originally Posted By: aquadag
green pants I am so sorry to say this please don't take it wrong but what you just posted is what kills the rep of these units. It is what the big o say's to all mech's because they are misinformed. These cars are so load weigh dependant it's not funny. Have you ever worked on an MRVF? Battery units from hell. These are the exact ac version of load weighing to the drive unit that it's almost scary. If you dont have them set up to current specs they will kill you. I have these manuals on pdf, If you want them. Email me if you want them.Once you adjust these properly they will run just like a 211 OR A 335 with a relay DIN strip addon to get the relays off the pc board. Non stop. I have had many and
I mean many that have run for, at this point, 5 years with no problem but the battery on the cartop box that needs replaced every two years or so on the car top. The stuff that battery runs is crazy. hall buttons and all the cigar switches, Radio shack has them for 37.00$ sor so. As much as everyone slams them I love them, I would take 500 on service and make enough to retire with my company, I know flame the hell out of me but in the last couple of years they have sold hundreds of thousands of these in the USA. If you cant fix the highest selling units in the "US" your in trouble.

ive had a monospace where we couldnt find a particular fault and used a test weight on the car top to fault find. in the end bc we couldnt get a hold of a test tool and manual it was just easier to leave the test wieght where it was. not mechanic like but the best we could do.