I had a guy from Schindler come in and wipe all pots on a bank of Goldflytes that his company lost. Shut down the bank which were the only surgery floor elevators. The heart patient didn't make it to surgery. The lowlife was charged and hopefully is still in jail. This is the only industry that I know of that has this problem. I have succesfully prosecuted many sabotages. These can be considered felonies in some areas and can ruin good lives and careers. Your company will not help you even if they said to do it. Don't drink the Kool-Aid, if you are skilled at this trade you will always have a job. Sorry for the soap box rant but this is one area that is an absolute waste of time in our industry. It is commonplace in NYC, but I guess that surprises no one. smile. I could give you a list of about two pages on sabotages that I fixed in the last year alone.

Last edited by aquadag; 02/20/13 01:15 PM.