I have 3 cars to do annual safety tests, since i rarely work on these units, i am looking for any insight from the experts. we have a few tests to do
1 buffer test, test the buffer to make sure it comes back up after compression, I know it sounds easy, but should i just run the car on inspect and compress the buffer fully and then see if it returns. any ideas would help.
2 safety test, not sure what to do here, should i just set the safety by hand, not sure what to do here.
3 governor test, it says to test governor again not sure what exactly to do
since i have been a trouble shooter for 25 years, i typically do not do these, this is all new to me.
4 eq test, i think i can figure this out, but any insight would be appreciated

5 normal and final terminal limit test, again, this should be easy but any insight would be appreciated.

thanks guys, it does seem easy, but im sure there are unexpected things that come up during the process and i would like some ideas before i go out and do the tests.

thanks guys