Hey, that MEOWING call reminded of a similar one-

I got a call once while working for Otis in a downtown Los Angeles high rise, and was told that there was a "Meowing" coming from the hoistway, like a kitten.

So I was riding the car, listening for noises, but not pushing any floor buttons. (This of course makes the other passengers wonder what you are doing) It was busy enough as it was, what with all the bankers, lawyers, and secretaries bustling about.

So this lady gets in the car, (one who I already knew, had a great sense of humor, and was a fun-type), she asks me what I was doing, so I told her someone heard a kitten meowing, and so I was just looking for a "little pussy"!

You gotta be careful who you joke with, but in this specific case, it was well received and good for a laugh for both of us...

Last edited by Vic; 05/06/13 08:40 PM.