Those old dogs that don't want to learn new tricks will sooner than later be down the road or on the bench. It's not the way it used to be anymore, the big companies are Crap canning the older guys that refuse to or cannot learn the newer equipment. They have this false sense of security that somehow seniority will protect them. At least that's the norm out here in L.A. Our union reps cannot do a thing about it because the guys cannot do their job. I completely understand that not everyone can be expected to reach troubleshooter/adjuster level, but yet we all call ourselves elevator mechanics. Expected to be capable of performing all aspects of the trade. Can you stack a set of 80 story rails? Install an escalator? Set a geared machine motor within .001", or plumb a 60ft. jack? We should all be able to fill all these roles. The 70% grade needed to pass our neiep training is embarrassing. I can count on less than one hand how many people I've meet over almost 20 yrs that can do almost anything. That old thinking that there's a place for everyone is a slippery slope we are plummeting down. That is exactly the reasons the company's give when it comes to contract time. "These guys are mechanics getting paid an $80/hr rate that cannot do the job they are hired for." We need more extensive training, and it's got to kept up to date with new industry technology. Period. At least if we expect to keep getting out international contacts signed.