Whats is there too complain about? I don't have to sit behind a desk all day, I get paid for what I know, my brain gets a daily workout on complex problems the tougher the better, I get to work with live electricity, I get to ride the best roller coaster in the world (cartop at 1400fpm), and everyday I learn something new.

Yeah there is some stuff in this trade that gets on my nerves but there isn't anything else in the world I rather be doing. I fix problems only a few people in this city can. 2-3 hours troubleshooting racking my brain and then I fix it...most satisfying feeling in the world to me.

What pisses me off is a fellow mechanic leaving a job worst then they found it. Someone who takes no pride in what we do, someone who throws in a crap job and is willing to put their name on it. We make damn good money so do you job right, fix it right the first time, don't half ass Crap, and clean up behind yourself.