Originally Posted By: sccjr
Give the guy a break he's just asking a question. And if he's a licensed smoke guy he can install smokes and all related fire systems in the bldg including the elevator hoistway as long as he has a licensed elevator mechanic working with him...More than half of the comments on here are not helpful in nature. I know we try to protect our work, but damn relax a little bit.

Yep agree mate. Geez we're getting a little precious here. I know here the building code can be a little vague as sometimes you can have just a sprinkler( and then whether its a dry head or not) or a smoke detector( and again whether its a heat activated or laser activated which are so sensitive to false alarms due to dust). If I understand some of you, the alarm is linked to the main switch of the lift? What's the point of fire service then? What if you set it off on top of the lift?

generally what happens you get assistance from the lift company to position the lift at the top for the detector installation and I would ask all relevant inspectors what required. Its not that much of a big deal if you do your homework.

Last edited by uppo72; 09/03/13 01:31 AM.