When troubleshooting these controllers, think Westinghouse.
Yes, you will need a P.C. Software and an interface board.
For reasons beyond my understanding, the neutral (white) 110 V lighting is Switched. This means the fixture is hot when switched off.

You will find UART's in the car top gutter on circuit boards and pico fuses on these boards.

The drives are sensitive to people "main lining" the disconnect and if the power is restored prior to the capacitor fully discharging, your customer will be purchasing a new drive.

The brake depends upon a series of contacts to make and break the coil and if one of the many does not make, you get no brake pick. Auxillary contacts on contactors are small and sensitive and should be checked.

Being VVVFAC with an inductive motor, it gets warm because most of the time, the elevator is either leveling or accelerating. If its a large gearless machine, make sure your customer has the funds to replace it should the windings fail.

Take particular note of the counterweight to car and load ratio. If the hoist ropes are not properly maintained, you may find some interesting things like car drifting into the overhead.

When you are accessing the car and let go of the key to return to center, the car can move up suddenly and catch you in the jaw. This means keep your hand on the switch until the car gets level with the floor.

Check the Zerk fittins, as some times people would pump in grease until the seals blew, not knowing about the relief plug opposite the zerk fitting (Name similar to the "Jetson's" son)

Its a great product. Some times, with such products, it might be better to let the client have Fujitec maintain the elevator.
You can stay home and loose money