Hey guys,thanks ahead of time for any time or knowledge u lend to this site. I will never be able return the favor in full. I will certainly try to contribute more. Just Bail me out this once PLEASE!!.. LoL..

These Lg-Otis elevators were installed by cemcolift? in 2002? really does not matter there not in business anymore..
Any info on a E119-90 fault SDS failure.
It has several Boards DOA-210 DOR-230.
SDS from what I gather, is your slowdowns. U can see all S.D. bits change as u pass them.? Switches good..
Is there Somekind of re-learn command?

Any info on this controller would really help a brother out!!..Three car group, two are down..
We are trying to locate Boards but no luck.. I dont think it needs boards. they just lost parameters?
Prints have some Korean in them. and manual was obviously written by someone non-english speaking..
Very frustrating at the end of day...
Thanks again for any info you are willing to lend..