I am currently performing 5 year tests on Kone KCM MRL Traction cars. There are 2 buttons on the controller to do an OSG Governor test (which I understand) and a Buffer Test button to do buffer tests with (I assume). Having tried using this buffer test button 6 ways to Sunday, I cannot figure out for the life of me how this button is supposed to work or how to get it to do what it's supposed to do. Also from what I can tell, to do the 5 year or annual test correctly, there are several items that have to be jumped out on the cartop (which is somewhat of a pain in the backside). According to Kone, there is no service tool for these cars (even though there is a service tool port on the from of the black box), so I guess what I'm wondering is first, can someone describe to me the sequence to use the buffer test button on the from of the controller and second, am I missing something or is doing the test on these just a royal pain?!?