SEC Reject is right on the mark. I took over a 3 bank job that was averaging 3 to 5 calls a week with the OEM doing the maintenance. When you pulled the drawer out and looked between the boards with the lights out you could see all kinds of arcing!!! The placement of the MG sets on these units were oviously the work of folks with no feild time. After about a week of blowing out generators, motors, controllers and DDD sensors.Door lock and hoistway clean down. And a vew gallons of paint this job ran for over 9 months call back free. The first call came in when machine room AC went down and the first car dies at 89 degrees and the second will go down at around 94. Luckly we have never found what tempature it takes to shut down the 3rd car. We have had this job for over 10 years now. So keep em clean and cool and they will run for you.