I didn't call Otis to repack because I was worried that the issue was the piston and didn't necessarily trust them to give me an honest opinion. Also when Otis installed the elevator 10 years ago their service was horrible and expensive so we haven't used them since. I am also not questioning the first pack job that Otis did 10 years ago, but this all started when the non-otis provider told me that the piston was bad and that the repack may not last due to grinding on the piston. Now it seems he was just trying to get away from responsibility of a back pack job? So if you are telling me that the picture of the damaged packing looks like the piston not being aligned and not a piston issue then I guess I just paid the wrong guy to do a bad job again. I don't know if he ran the car up and aligned the rails....isn't that standard to do? I will ask him