well i guess i stirred up a hornets nest. ha ha. Im with wolf on this one, it was probably a just a honest mishap on the parameter change. but i will check on the other cars just to verify.
I don't know about the rest of the country or the world, but here in los angeles, sabotage is not as uncommon as you may think. been working her nearly 35 years and have seen many strange occurrences after job losses.

Job prints are the number 1 problem here in cali, been like this for many years, it has gotten so bad that when you are called to survey a job for service, you immediately have the building either copy the prints, or make sure they will be there when you take the job over. We just took over a new job, and the prints were there the day before they lost the job, and mysteriously disappeared the day we took over, the building had to call the original company and threaten them with a law suit, the mechanic that took them had to deliver them personally to the building with an apology. Im not sure why they do this, how would they like to go on an entrapment call with safety circuit open between floors, and not have any drawings to help them out. Wolf, I'm with you, why should we screw our brothers, it is hard enough to fix most elevators without this childish bull Crap. Not sure if the employees are being told to do this, or are just being an ass all by themselves. either way, this is something that needs to stop. A generic print, is just that, generic. usually they will work, but occasionally you may be jumping out something that you are not expecting, due to a slight difference in the generic vs job print. This can be very dangerous, just remember that when you take a job print. thats my 2 cents