Good for you JohnJay. I hope you enjoy more years of retirement then you did working...

Vator, I like your traveling plans. Seeing the states from an RV appeals to me too. My challenge is my wife is HIGH maintenance! An RV may be a hard sale. I've started early on my retirement bucket list. I'm working on placing faces with names. You are the next on my list. I'm flying in at the end of April. The first few day of my trip are like Forest Gump... When I'm hungry, I'll eat. When I'm tired, I'll stop and sleep.

I'm hoping to meet you and Jim. Then I'm meeting up with little miss high maintenance more R&R.

Uppo, beware your on my list too. I've told my las I'm going for a month long walk about.

Cucuvator, as planned I'll see you in a couple weeks.

I hope everyone has a safe and happy Holiday season.

Make good choices,