so as low oil suggested, i did a lon download, hall calls came back up, i then had to do a shaft setup, on the shaft set up, i took it to bottom floor, wit 30u on as it indicates, but after setting 5-2-1, and switching back to normal, the door would power close, make up the locks, and gate, then it would open the door, i tried same process at least a dozen times, and finally the door powered closed made up locks and started and completed shaft learn. after the learn, we were able to get the car running, however now the one riser that has 2 cars on that side would only answer that riser, the other riser would only call the car that was on that riser side. it was like they were a duplex and a simplex.
anyway we ended up turning off the power on the car that caused all the trouble to begin with to check something, and when we turned it back on, it went back to the original problem, hall riser dead, no nodes learned, and car says its on 16 when only 6 floors,
now the problem is we can do the lon download, but for the life of me i cannot get it to start the learn run, now it will power door closed, and make up locks, and just sit there, it will not start the learn run. another strange outcome is the only car that is running, if we leave the xg3 connector in the bad car, it will cause the only good car to start overshooting floor. car will come up and stop a couple inches hi and open doors, it will continue to run, but acts really strange. unplug xg3 and car runs fine. ugggg dam Kone cars.