I do not believe it is a literal relevel that causes the shut down. To be exact, I don't know. I believe it to be an internal clock of sorts. Yes it does increment a count (high byte/ low byte) at each run, and the fault is called a relevel fault (F), but I have 4 at one location and the count is always the same on each unit, so how could the count be the same if it were runs?
The counters are identical at each visit, yet I know for sure one of the four hardly gets used. Some may shut down, while the others continue to run, but none have an actual leak down problem.
And, if a log is kept, you'll see the count at shutdown varies anywhere from the upper three hundreds to the mid six hundreds. I'd be curious to let them all shut down and see the count.
Brings new meaning to the phrase "Down for the count" doesn't it?