We are going to replace all 16 batteries. Not sure if this will solve the problem, but while testing, the voltage was dropping to 175 VDC. On a good car it would stay above 195 or so, also i noticed that the meter would sometimes go up to 250 VDC. on the good car while the car was regenerating. the car that is having the problem, never went above 210 volts. Hopfully this will take care of the problem, if not, on to the drawing board. Green pants, you are right, i just mentioned the replacement to one mechanic, and by the end of the week a few more chimed in to collect old batteries for there trailers. only problem, they want me to deliver them. what has the world come to? ha ha. will keep you posted as to the outcome. personally i am crossing my fingers, but still have a bad feeling in my gut.