Hi guys I am new to this forum and need some serious help.
I have a dmc with software version 675dk10. My original problem begain blowing the f2 (4amp) fuse, then started blowing the f3(4amp) fuse that is before the rectifier. This feeds the p24 circuit which feeds also p24c. If I left the car disabled for a day or two it would stop blowing fuses and run fine for a few days, then it pop fuses left right and center. I changed the rectifier but it didn't change anything. I swaped out the clc card and transferd the chips reprogrammed them with the freedom tool. I had to add a jumper from p24c to X06. To get the car to run on inspection. I got all the parameters set and saved hoist way run complete the damn thing just won't go on automatic HELP PLEASE!