Sorry again everybody for the negative tone. I'm actually pretty positive minded, and still optimistic. I still look for the best in people.

Broke Sheave, yes, companies have their bad sides also. Once I was put on a route that literally had 12 calls on Monday morning, and dozens through the week. After about a year and half, I cleaned it up to the point where it had just a few calls a week. In way of saying thank you, the company laid me off, then split the route up among the other routes. Worked myself out of that job.. So I guess I've seen the worst on both sides of the desk, and could argue for either side convincingly enough.

I think the mandatory education, state certified, is changing us slowly. I think we are emerging as a better trade, more professional.

Another thing that comes to mind, is how the companies are slashing prices for service. It's gotten to the point, where no real effective preventative maintenance is going on in L.A., too many units, no time for anything. instead of maintaining equipment, the majors just push for mods. If you want to stay alive as a business owner, you have to match the prices of the competition. No customer will sign with you based on "we do it better, so we charge more" principle. It comes down to money, bottom line. Proprietary controls give the majors a stranglehold over some of their customers.

So why don't the majors set the tone, and keep prices stable?
(Cuz then I'll undercut them, that's why!) hah hah...