Well Mr. Opportunity, did you find the candidate you were looking for?

It seems to me that you were on a fishing expedition just to see who would respond to your post. I sure hope not, as the person who is has nothing left to loose is not the person you want to get on the wrong side of. “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.”

I'm sorry Vic you have had such difficulties with people in the past. We have met and I find you to be a person I would be glad to work with. Many substance abusers also have serious mental problems. It's not that so many good actors are substance abusers, it's that so many substance abusers are good actors. I would hope that one day people check driving and arrest records as well as credit reports when deciding to take a chance on some one. While it is an expensive exam, Wonderlick offers an evaluation that can quantitatively tell you about the candidates work habits.

At the same time, people do pick up new behaviors that work better than the old ones. Ethical behaviors is a start, skills can be learned and therefore taught.

I'm against interviews in a bar and think that has happened too many times. As an employer, you have a responsibility to yourself as well as the other employees in a company. That's why it is important to select the right candidate. The professional "victim" is not the best choice. The person who assumes responsibility and does the right thing would be a better candidate.

In my travels I have come across many good people, so I know they are out there. Such people work independently, with out direct supervision and are trustworthy and honorable. Simply stated their financial dealings are an example of such behavior.

Being on the wrong side of the ledger, (expenses exceed income value) is a short career.


Robert L Krieger Jr.