I don't think posting something from a company's private intranet would be the smartest thing to do. I am going with the fact that you know what an intranet is. For those of you who are wondering, Intranet not internet is a private company VPN type network that can only be accessed by company employees with passwords that change regularly. It can be nationwide or global and can be so full of great info to help with our daily jobs that it is a shame that so few have the ability to access it. Not mis-informed just taught differently. I spent time as a super and general manager in my career so unless you have been down this road cut us all some slack. And no offense, I mean this in the nicest way, but I have nothing to prove to you. please understand that this business is a very intricate beast. That none of us can totally know what is going on across the country and globe. It would be very pretentious for us to think that we do.

Last edited by aquadag; 07/08/13 01:06 AM.