Greetings All,
This is my first time at any sort of a forum or chat group,if I am in the wrong place, please excuse me and kindly redirect my inquiry. I am a newly hired building manager with my first elevator to be responsible for.
I am looking for any records on the unit that may exist, and am hoping someone will be able to suggest where to start my search. The make is Westinghouse, the general order# is 28878-1, the only other identifying # is 2BC1-1SP. It is a passenger elevator rated at 1,200 pounds capacity, and I have a safety inspection scheduled with a local company in mid July. I intend to establish a regular P.M. program at that time
Before then, I hope to familiarize myself with the necessary regulations, terminology, and the mechanical apparatus as best as possible.
What is interesting is that the tower is constructed of modern block, and I found an old maintenance report inside one of the cabinets that dates the machine to as early as 1957 to a different building in a nearby city. Therefore, I suspect that it was purchased used and moved here.
This information is forming the basis of my file on the elevator, and I would like to determine the year of manufacture and other pertinent data. Any suggestions as to resources for this info would be appreciated. I don't Imagine the State Dept. of Labor and Industry as being a cooperative source of old files or historical records. Thank you in advance for your interest and expertise. Rick