One final note-these DDD boards were notoriously dodgy. Even after the Epoch 1 upgrades (positive controller pressurization, etc), this board, attached to the governor, would collect carbon dust, spider webs, and dust, resulting in failures. Sometimes, when I took over an Epoch job that someone had given up on, simply air jetting all of the boards (while removed from the controller), and cleaning up the governor assembly, removed 90% of my problems.

One word of warning-DO NOT 'hot swap' Epoch 1 boards. Some controllers you can get away with it on (not that you ever should), but this is definitely NOT one of them. Seen it too many times where someone forgot the power was on while swapping boards and yanked an IO2 or IO6 board troubleshooting a car or hall call. Bad things happen. The SBC boards are a controlled print at Schindler now, due to a lack of replacement components. If you hot swap and damage an SBC board (a really good possibility), Schindler may not provide you with another one (assuming you don't work for them). Rumor was that they were working on a modern replacement, but I never heard if it panned out.

Good luck.