Got a new one on my route, it's a 1962 Rosenburg, but I've never seen this controller before. It reminds me of a southeastern , with updated relays, but doesn't seem to match relay nomenclature/operation and definitely different terminal markings. Car won't run on inspection, won't latch a call, I have door and gates according to some markings on the cover, I1 and I2 pull in when inspection station is on. Will level up with manual activating relay, but won't level down. Younger mechanic was there yesterday. I'm going to give it a shot today.
Anyone have a clue on what the unit is and hopefully some similar prints ?
Got it on service last month, originally had prints when they bid the service, but the Schindler tech stopped in and took them when they got cancelation notice, claimed they were Schindler property (according to the building manager), Schindler denies taking them of course. Office told owners that if the prints don't reappear it will need a mod, so it may be going back to Schindler.
Or maybe dial up an inspector to get the actual schindler mechanics phone number and give it to the customer to call him directly.
I hate this dirty stuff. The local shade tree company stole prints from us on a cemco job like this. Ironically that company claims to be Christian owned.