Looking for some help on a vertical express 2 stop hydro.... tried calling tech support for this and was told they won't help because we are not Thyssen techs.

During our recent state test during the fire service portion the inspector discovered a problem. Capture the car using the hall fire key, turn car on to phase 2 in the car and take it to the next floor up...all working good. When we turn the fire switch in the COP to the hold position it will not take calls and will sit with the doors open which is correct. The problem is that when on hold the door close button should be disabled however if you press it the doors will begin to close - it is constant pressure so if the switch is in the hold position and you press and hold the door close button the door will fully close. Once fully closed if you release the button the doors remain closed, if you press the open button the doors will not open. In other words on fire phase 2 with the key in the hold position, someone could theoretically walk into the car and hold the close button until the doors fully close and then would be trapped inside. as a result the elevator was shutdown and as i said a couple of attempts to get tech support on this have been useless. I believe this has been this way since original install since this inspector is a new guy and pretty thorough to say the least so in the past it has never been picked up. Thinking its a programming issue, all other functions of fire service work properly.

Hoping someone might have some insight on the issue, where and how to look/change any type of programming if needed or possibly send along a contact that is willing to troubleshoot this with us.
